Bylaws of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association


A. All persons affiliated with departments of languages, literatures, cultures, film studies, and other related fields, in public and private educational institutions, as well as emeriti/retired or independent scholars with similar interests, are welcome to join the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association.

  1. Membership is for the calendar year, January through December.

  2. RMMLA does not sell its membership list.

B. Voting Membership

  1. The categories of membership with voting privileges include:All members in the categories named in Section B.1. shall pay annual dues as determined by the Executive Board.

    1. Faculty/Staff: All ranks of faculty members (full-time or part-time), as well as academic staff
    2. Student: Includes both graduate and undergraduate students
    3. Independent Scholar: All scholars not associated with or employed by an educational institution ("Independent Scholar" will be shown, with no institutional affiliation)
    4. Emeriti/Retired Faculty: Emeriti and retired faculty members (former institutional affiliation may be noted)
  2. Membership in the association is of three types: one-year, three-year or lifetime. Lifetime membership is available in all but the student and library categories, at ten times the yearly rate.

  3. One additional category of voting membership exists which includes all the privileges outlined below in Section B. 5., but does not require payment of annual dues: "Sterling" memberships.

    1. Sterling Member status is awarded to current RMMLA members who have made significant contributions to any of the fields of language, literature or related areas of the humanities and who have performed long-term meritorious service to RMMLA, specifically by contributing regularly to the growth and success of convention sessions and programs, to the association's scholarly journal, and to other important association activities.
    2. Nominations for Sterling Memberships of the Association may come from current members of RMMLA and/or members of the Executive Board itself.
    3. Awarding of Sterling Membership status is made by the Executive Board.
    4. The name of the Sterling Membership recipient will be announced on the association's Web site and at the annual convention. A certificate and small gift will be given to the recipient at the convention.
  4. Membership in any of the categories named in Section B. 1.and 4. above includes:Members are encouraged to contribute to the "RMMLA Grants and Awards Fund" when submitting dues or convention registration payment.

    1. access privileges to the Web-based, scholarly, peer-reviewed publication of the Association, the Rocky Mountain E-Review, any online RMMLA Call for Papers, newsletters, or other publications; and the Member Directory;
    2. for a supplemental mailing fee, a subscription to the print version of the Rocky Mountain Review;
    3. the privilege of submitting a paper proposal or special topic session proposal to the convention;
    4. the privilege of submitting an article or review for consideration in the Association's refereed print or electronic journal;
    5. the possibility of serving on the Executive Board;
    6. the ability to vote on amendments to the Association constitution, bylaws, or any other action submitted to a vote by the membership;
    7. eligibility for any grant or award offered by the Association.
  5. When notification is received of the passing of a RMMLA member, a brief notice will be posted to the "In Memoriam" page of the RMMLA Web site, upon approval by the family.

C. Non-Voting Membership

  1. Departmental or Institutional Sustaining membership in the Association is a dues-paying category (at rates set by the Executive Board), but is a non-individualized, non-voting membership.

  2. Guest speakers at the convention may be offered a special dues waiver without voting privileges. These are temporary memberships and expire at the end of the convention year.

  3. Honorary (non-voting) membership is awarded to those scholars who have made significant contributions to any of the fields of language, literature or related areas of the humanities who are not already members of RMMLA.

    1. Nominations for Honorary Membership may come from current members of RMMLA and/or members of the Executive Board itself.
    2. Election of honorary members would be made by the full association membership and would take place on the same ballot as for Executive Board elections.
  4. Affiliate Organizations and other organizations or caucuses whose interests parallel those of the Association may request to become non-voting members of the Association for a five-year renewable term.

    1. This request should be addressed to the Executive Director, who shall present the request to the Executive Board for its consideration.
    2. For the purposes of these bylaws, a caucus is defined as a group having some sort of political allegiance that is not limited by an interest in a particular author, literary period, or discipline, but rather is focused on some common interest of its members. A caucus is often interested in formulating and promoting institutional and societal policies that will, in some way, benefit its members and the community.
    3. Affiliate organizations may hold one session, not to exceed ninety minutes, at the Association's annual convention. They may also request the scheduling of a business meeting and/or additional sessions at the convention hotel, but these will be scheduled outside of normal convention session hours unless open time slots are available.
    4. Individuals in all affiliated organizations who participate in the convention must become dues-paying members of the Association (thus receiving all privileges of membership as described in Section B.5., above) and must pay all applicable convention registration fees at the Association's convention.
  5. Non-voting membership includes:

    1. access privileges to the Web-based, scholarly, peer-reviewed publication of the Association, the Rocky Mountain Review, the online RMMLA Call for Papers, newsletters, etc.;
    2. for a supplemental mailing fee, a subscription to the print version of the Rocky Mountain Review.


A. The Association shall be governed by its officers with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, subject in matters of policy to the agreement of the membership.

  1. The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, and a Past President.

  2. Each officer serves for a term of one year in each of the three positions, with a pattern of succession as follows: as elected Vice President in the first year, as President in the second year, and as Past President in the third year.

  3. The election of the Vice President takes place by mail or electronic ballot after the annual meeting.

  4. In alternate years, the newly elected officer shall be an individual whose primary professional activities are English/Technical Writing or Foreign Language/General Studies.

  5. A Board member will be eligible for nomination and election to office for a new term after a hiatus of one year.

B. The President

  1. The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Association, and as such, shall be responsible, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, for the administration of the Association.

  2. The President shall call and preside over the semi-annual meetings of the Executive Board and shall assign members of the Board, with their consent, to positions on any ad hoc committees.

  3. The President shall preside over the annual Open Forum/Business Meeting and serve as the Master of Ceremonies at the annual scholarly convention banquet.

  4. The President shall chair the following committees:

    1. Huntington Grant Selection
    2. Membership Recruitment and Retention
    and shall serve on the following committees:
    1. Nominating Committee
    2. Faculty Research Travel Grant Committee
    3. Graduate Student Convention Travel Grant Committee

C. The Vice President

  1. The Vice President shall be elected by mail or electronic ballot after the annual (fall) meeting for the term of one calendar year. The Vice President shall be chosen in alternate years from the fields of English/Technical Writing or Foreign Language/General Studies.

  2. The Vice President shall succeed to the Presidency upon the completion of the one-year term of the President.

  3. The Vice President shall assume the Presidency in the event of the resignation, leave of absence, serious illness, or death of the President. Should the Vice President be unable to succeed to the presidency, the Executive Board shall solicit nominations from the membership and a new election shall be conducted.

  4. The Vice President shall chair the following committees:

    1. Nominating Committee
    2. Faculty Convention Travel Grant Committee
    3. CV Help Session at the RMMLA convention
  5. and shall serve as a member of the following committees:
    1. Membership Recruitment and Retention

    2. Davis Award

    3. Graduate Research Travel Grant Committees

    4. Program Committee

D. The Past President

  1. The outgoing President shall become Past President for a term of one year.

  2. The Past President shall assist the President and Vice President, as needed, and will be the Secretary/Minute-Taker at Executive Board meetings and/or will designate a replacement if s/he is not able to attend.

  3. If the President is not able to serve, the Past President take over the President's duties.

  4. The Past President will serve as the MC for the opening reception at the convention.

  5. The Past President will take minutes at the two board meetings.

  6. The Past President will serve as chair of the following committees:

    1. Program Committee
    2. Davis Award
    3. RMMLA-Women’s Caucus Award Committee (co-chair with representative from Women’s Caucus)
    and shall serve on the following committees:
    1. Membership Recruitment and Retention
    2. Faculty Research Travel Committee
    3. Graduate Student Research Grant Committee

E. The Executive Board

  1. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Past President, three Delegates-at-Large, two Graduate Student Delegates, an Executive Director (ex officio), and the Editor(s) of the Association's journal (ex officio).

  2. The Executive Board shall administer the affairs of the Association.

  3. To its wisdom shall be left immediate decisions concerning the welfare of the Association such as routine expenditures of funds, the appointment of ad hoc committees as necessary, the setting of the annual program including the division of existing sessions, the cancellation of sessions, and the creation of new sessions.

  4. It is the responsibility of the Executive Board to approve a total budget that enables the Executive Director and the Secretariat staff to maintain the smooth and professional running of the Association.

  5. It is the duty of the Executive Board to be fiscally responsible in all matters relating to the Association.

  6. If a member of the Executive Board, except the President, has to take a leave of absence, the Board shall appoint a replacement for the duration of his/her leave.

  7. If the President has to take a leave of absence, the Past President will assume his/her duties until the next election of officers.

  8. Major changes in general policy, including extraordinary expenditures of funds, levying of additional assessments, changes in dues or registration fees, or modifications to convention policy, must be approved by a simple majority of those members present at a Board meeting or of those responding to a mail or electronic ballot.

  9. A majority of Board members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board.

  10. A tie vote shall be construed as a failure to pass the measure proposed.

  11. Any member who wishes to initiate similar major changes may petition the Executive Board to consider such a change and to ask members to vote on the change by mail or electronic ballot. The petition must be signed by a minimum of ten percent of the Association members at the time of the petition.

F. The Delegates-at-Large

  1. Three Delegates-at-Large shall be elected, one every year for a staggered, rather than concurrent, set of terms.

  2. The candidates for Delegate-at-Large shall be chosen with a view to representing the wide distribution of cultural interests, residential locations, and types of educational institutions in the Association.

  3. The Delegate candidates shall also be chosen in alternate years from English/Technical Writing or Foreign Language/General Studies.

  4. The longest serving delegate (Delegate #1) shall chair the following committees:

    1. Fund-Raising
    2. Graduate Student Convention Travel Grant
    3. Announcements of grants and awards at the convention
    and shall serve on the following committees:
    1. Huntington Award
    2. Faculty Convention Travel Grant
    3. Program Committee
  5. The next longest serving delegate (Delegate #2) shall chair the following committee:

    1. Graduate Student Research Travel Grant
    and shall serve on the following committees:
    1. Graduate Student Convention Travel Grant Committee
    2. Nominating Committee
    3. Faculty Research Travel Grant Committee
    4. Alternate to make grants and award announcements at the convention
  6. The newest delegate (Delegate #3) shall chair the following committees:

    1. Faculty Research Travel Grant
    and shall serve on the following committees:
    1. Fund-raising Committee
    2. Graduate Student Forum Committee
    3. CV Help session at the convention
    4. Faculty Convention Travel Grant
    5. Graduate Student Convention Travel Grant

G. The Graduate Student Delegates

  1. The two Graduate Student Delegates shall be elected, one every year for a staggered rather than concurrent set of two-year terms.

  2. In alternate terms, the newly elected delegate shall be an individual from English/Technical Writing or Foreign Language/General Studies.

  3. The longest serving Graduate Student Delegate (#1) shall serve on the following committees:

    1. Graduate Student Forum Committee
    2. Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee
    3. Davis Award Committee
    4. Graduate Research Travel Grant Committee
    5. RMMLA-Women's Caucus Award Selection Committee
  4. The newest Graduate Student Delegate (#2) shall serve on the following committees:

    1. Graduate Student Forum Committee
    2. Fund-raising Committee
    3. Huntington Grant Committee
    4. Faculty Convention Travel Committee

H. The Executive Director

  1. The Executive Director, appointed by the Executive Board, shall be responsible for managing the daily activities of the Association in accordance with the decisions and policies of the Executive Board.

  2. The Executive Director shall maintain membership in the Association, oversee the publication of the Association’s scholarly journal, and organize the Association’s annual convention.

  3. The duties of the Executive Director may be remunerated by release time and/or a stipend from the hosting institution or the Association, although this arrangement should be revisited on a regular schedule.

  4. The Association shall pay for expenses incurred by the Executive Director in attending the annual convention and annual business meetings, as well as other travel on behalf of the Association (for the annual Regional Directors meeting at the Modern Language Association in New York City, for convention site visits, etc.) when the expenses for this travel is not reimbursed by other sources.

  5. The Executive Director shall be provided with a clerical staff and the necessary office equipment and supplies to help him/her carry out the duties enumerated below, all subject to budgetary approval by the Executive Board and in conjunction with support committed by the host institution. It is the duty of the Executive Director to be fiscally responsible in all matters relating to the Association.

  6. The duties of the Executive Director may be divided into the following categories and may include, but are not limited to:

    1. Membership
      1. Maintain the central files and membership records of the Association.
      2. Collect dues, fees, and donations, and make disbursements as authorized by the Executive Board.
      3. Devise membership recruitment and retention strategies in consultation with the Recruitment and Retention Committee members
      4. Report on membership numbers and categories to Board
    2. Convention
      1. Negotiate with convention hotels in cities in the Association's geographical area for adequate meeting rooms, the rental of which is offset by a guarantee of a certain number of sleeping rooms and a certain amount in food and beverage purchases. The Executive Director will use the Association's standard RFP, outlining convention requirements, to obtain bids from hotels and/or tourist boards.
      2. Contact colleges and universities in the convention area to find monetary and in-kind support for the convention.
      3. Prepare the Call for Papers in late October, based on the prior year’s permanent session reports and requests for new Special Topic sessions (STS).
      4. Obtain Executive Board approval of new STS and notify applicants of their acceptance or rejection. Publish the CFP on the RMMLA Web site by early November.
      5. Keep session chairs abreast of all important deadlines re: scheduling, equipment requests, proposal submission, program information submission, membership requirements, etc.
      6. Set the program of sessions for the annual convention, incorporating equipment and scheduling requests, prior year’s scheduling patterns, and session topics; work with printers on layout, design and production of the print version of the program. Work with Web designers on the posting and updating of the on-line program.
      7. Coordinate presenter use of computer and audio-visual equipment, occasionally working with local host institutions for loan of equipment.
      8. Plan all special events, including but not limited to keynote speaker, guest speakers, publishing forum, business meetings of affiliate organizations, graduate student forum, and excursions.
      9. Provide pre-convention information and registration materials to the membership, by print and/or electronic means.
      10. Coordinate the sale of advertising in the convention program, the rental of exhibition space at the annual meetings, and other fund-raising activities, observing standards of professional integrity and good taste.
      11. Negotiate event cancellation insurance with insurance brokers
      12. Handle all praise and complaints
    3. Executive Board Elections and Meetings
      1. Organize and/or solicit Executive Board nominations; prepare an official slate of candidates and a print and/or electronic ballot with candidate professional biography; tally the votes on January 1 and report results immediately to all candidates and the general membership.
      2. Plan spring board meeting (close to the RMMLA Secretariat or at a future convention site) and fall board meeting (at convention site); provide orientation to new board members; prepare and distribute the minutes of the Executive Board meetings; prepare appropriate reports on the Association for Executive Board members
    4. Journal - Rocky Mountain Review and E-Review
      1. Coordinate between editors and publisher on print run and mailing addresses
      2. Oversee involvement of RMMLA journal with JSTOR and Project MUSE (Johns Hopkins University)
      3. Work with editors on copyright and permissions issues
      4. Work with editors on orders for back issues of journal
      5. Provide pricing and billing for advertising in journal and convention program
    5. Awards
      1. Advertise application procedures for all fellowships, grants, and awards.
      2. Organize selection committees and provide applicant materials to the appropriate board members.
      3. Post and announce results to applicants and general membership; distribute awards (checks and certificates)
    6. Administration / Operations
      1. Represent the RMMLA at meetings of the MLA Delegate Assembly and at meetings of the Executive Secretaries/Delegates of the MLA regional associations, or delegate an officer to represent RMMLA.
      2. Oversee day-to-day operations of the RMMLA Secretariat.
      3. Manage administrative staff
      4. Communicate with fellow regional MLA directors on issues of importance
    7. Fiscal Matters
      1. Make an annual report to the Executive Board and prepare an annual balanced budget for approval by the Executive Board (at beginning of new fiscal year).
      2. Maintain an adequate investment savings account for the Association, separate from the operating budget.
      3. Submit the books and records of the Association at the end of every fiscal year for such auditing as may be directed by the Executive Board and for tax preparation.
      4. Be empowered to enter into negotiations for contracts and to sign contracts on behalf of the Association, in accordance with the policies established by the Executive Board and proportionate to the income and assets of the Association, as well as to redeem, transfer or exchange funds in investment accounts to cover basic operating costs and to protect the Association's investments.
    I. The Editor(s)
    1. The Editor(s), appointed by the Executive Board, shall edit and publish the Rocky Mountain Review and the Rocky Mountain E-Review in accordance with the terms of the agreement and publication dates established.
    2. The Editor(s) may be assisted by an Editorial Staff, whose composition shall be subject to review and approval by the Executive Board.
    3. As ex officio members of the Executive Board, the Editor(s) shall attend meetings of that body, participate in its deliberations, and inform the Board, as necessary and appropriate, of matters related to the journal.
    4. The Editor(s) shall receive waivers of all membership and convention registration fees.
    5. The Editor(s) shall receive a course release and/or a stipend for satisfactory completion of duties related to the position(s).
    6. The Editor(s) will be reimbursed for travel on behalf of the Association.
    J. The Editorial Board
    1. Editorial Board members must be current members of RMMLA when appointed, but receive a complimentary three-year waiver of membership dues, renewable.
    2. The Editorial Board consists of specialists in the following areas:
      1. American and All English Non-UK, Pre-1865
      2. American and All English Non-UK, Post-1865
      3. Asian Studies
      4. British Studies, Pre-1800
      5. British Studies, Post-1800
      6. Composition, Linguistics, Technical Writing, Pedagogy Studies
      7. French, Francophone, Comparative Literature Studies
      8. Germanic Studies
      9. Latin American Studies
      10. Russian and Slavic Studies
      11. Spanish, Ibero-American Studies.
    3. Editorial Board members (EBM) serve a three-year term, renewable for additional three-year terms.
    4. Requests for renewal are reviewed by the RMMLA Editors, the Executive Director and members of the Executive Board based on criteria set out in the document "Description of Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members" that is given to each Editorial Board member at the time of initial appointment to the board.
    5. Timely notice is expected if a person has to step down prematurely from the board, as time is needed to find a replacement in that field of specialty.
    6. Regarding his/her duties, Editorial Board member:
      1. Participates in the search and selection of the succeeding Editorial Board Member in collaboration with the editors.
      2. Helps in promoting submission of manuscripts and book reviews to RMR.
      3. Receives manuscripts from the Editor, which have already been accepted in-house.
      4. Supervises the external review of incoming manuscripts.
      5. Reads the manuscripts, followed by choice between two options for critical review:
      Option A:
      • The EBM reads the submitted manuscript and decides not to act as one of the two external reviewers, then...
      • Informs the Editor of his/her choice and receives from Editor the name of the author, then...
      • Identifies two external reviewers from two different institutions who are experts and knowledgeable in the field of the manuscript.
      • Once external reviewers are chosen, the EBM goes to Step 6.
      Option B:
      • The EBM decides to act as one of the two external reviewers, then...
      • Informs the Editor of his/her choice, then...
      • Sends to the Editor the names and contact information of two external reviewers from two different institutions. (Even though the EBM acts as one of the two reviewers, Editor still needs the name of two external reviewers to insure a blind review by the EBM and to prevent the EBM from asking the author of the manuscript to review his/her own work).
      • Once external reviewers are chosen, the EBM goes to Step 6.
    7. Sends the manuscript with 'Guidelines for Reviewers' and Evaluation Form to the external reader(s).
    8. Receives the annotated manuscript, Evaluation Form and comments from external reviewer(s).
    9. Sends them, together with his/her own evaluation if Option B was chosen, to the editor within eight (8) weeks.
    10. In case the reviewers require revisions, the EBM will be in charge of contacting the original reviewers and obtaining their final comments, should the author resubmit. In an effort to accelerate the review process, the editor may contact directly the reviewers with prior consultation with the EBM; the editor will copy the EBM on all communication with reviewers.


  7. Regarding the duties of the External Reviewers, they must:

    1. Commit to complete the review within eight (8) weeks.
    2. Read manuscripts sent to them from EBM.
    3. Fill out an evaluation form with comments for each manuscript.
    4. Send comments back to the EBM by E-mail.
    5. Return annotated manuscript and evaluation form to EBM by regular mail.
    6. Must return all materials to the EBM within eight (8) weeks of receipt of the manuscript.
    7. If the reviewer recommends that an article be accepted with specific revisions or substantially revised and resubmitted, s/he will review the revised manuscript when resubmitted by author.
    8. External Reviewers are not required to be current members of RMMLA.


The Review Process that articles undergo is as follows:

  1. Upon receipt at the RMMLA Secretariat, each manuscript undergoes an in-house editorial review. This first evaluation focuses strictly on the suitability of the topic for The Rocky Mountain Review and/or The Rocky Mountain E-Review, the appropriateness of the style for an academic audience, and the presence of reference to other scholarly works.

  2. Authors are informed within four (4) weeks whether their manuscript has been rejected or if it will be sent to external, anonymous readers who have expertise in fields suitable to the subject. These external readers are selected by the Editorial Board member representing that general area of study.

  3. The external reviewers consider the author's grasp of the theoretical framework and relevant previous scholarship, the originality and strength of the main thesis, and the effectiveness of the supporting evidence.

  4. The external reviewers are asked to complete their review of manuscripts within eight (8) weeks, at which time they decide if the article is publishable as is, acceptable with certain specific revisions, recommended for more substantial revision and resubmission, or unacceptable.

  5. A complete evaluation is sent by email to the author within twelve (12) weeks of the manuscript reception. If reviewers return annotated manuscripts, these are sent back to the author by regular mail.


A. The Nominating Committee will be chaired by the Vice President and consists of the President and Delegate #2.

  1. This committee shall solicit and collect nominations from among the membership for candidates for the offices that need to be filled each year.

  2. This committee shall present the annual slate of two new candidates, representing the wide distribution of cultural interests, residential locations, and types of educational institutions in the Association, for each vacant position at the time of the annual meeting.

B. Any member of the Association who is willing to commit to the responsibilities of the office and who has received a commitment from his/her institution for travel funding to the two annual board meetings, may be nominated or nominate him/herself for the Executive Board, regardless of his/her local affiliations or place of residence.


A. The Grant and Award Committee is broken into several sub-committees, based on the grants and awards offered by the association. 
B. Members of each sub-committee shall receive and review applications for specific RMMLA grants and awards according to criteria established by the Executive Board, with the chair of each sub-committee transmitting recommendations for award recipients to the Executive Director.


A. There may be an annual audit of the books for the Association to be made by an Auditing Committee consisting of two members of the Association not on the Executive Board, to be appointed annually by the Executive Board one month prior to the annual meeting. 
B. This audit shall be held at the time of the annual meeting, unless otherwise determined by the Executive Board.


A. The Executive Director shall prepare the convention program and present this to the Executive Board. This arrangement is called the Program Committee. 
B. The Program Committee shall review all proposals, submitted by the Executive Director, involving the organization of the annual meeting. These proposals may include requests for new regular sessions or special topic sessions, modifications to the list of regular sessions, as well as proposals for special events, panels, cultural activities, et al. The Program Committee will also approve the distribution of sessions over the convention period. 
C. All discussion and voting on the program will take place at the time of the annual spring board meeting and/or by electronic means.


A. The Fund-Raising Committee, chaired by the Delegate #1 and consisting of the Delegate #3, and Graduate Student Delegate #2, shall make recommendations on ways in which the Association might organize activities to increase revenue for purposes determined by the Executive Board.


A. The Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee, chaired by the President and consisting of the Vice President, the Past President, the Graduate Student Delegate #1 and the Executive Director, shall make recommendations on ways in which the Association might better recruit and retain members in all categories.


A. The Executive Board shall establish and appoint other committees as required.
B. The actions of these committees shall be subject to review and approval by the Executive Board.


A. The Association shall hold an annual business meeting and scholarly convention concurrently, at such place and time as the Executive Board shall determine. 
B. All persons attending this annual meeting/convention shall be charged a convention registration fee, distinct from the regular membership dues. The convention registration fee is set by the Executive Board, in consultation with the Executive Director, at rates which will be sufficient to defray all convention expenses. 
C. The types of annual meetings include, but are not limited to:

  1. The Annual Business Meeting

    1. At the annual business meeting, the Executive Director and the President shall report on the actions of the Executive Board and the other committees of the Association and transact any other business as provided for in the Constitution and these Bylaws.
    2. The business meeting is open only to members of the RMMLA.
    3. All members are requested to attend and to take part in the proceedings.
    4. All amendments, resolutions, and proposals of changes to operating procedures to be considered at the business meeting must be submitted to the Executive Director of the association no later than 60 days before the date of the convention so that these resolutions may be forwarded to the full Executive Board for their consideration.
    5. All voting shall be in accordance with Section I of these Bylaws, with each person holding a voting membership having one vote.
  2. The Scholarly Convention

    1. A scholarly convention shall be held in the Association's geographical area in early October, from Thursday morning until late afternoon on Saturday.
    2. The primary responsibility for organizing this convention shall be that of the Executive Director, with the Executive Board members serving in an advisory role.
  3. Executive Board Meetings

    1. The Executive Board will meet twice annually, once in the spring at a site and on a date determined by the board members, and once in the fall, during the annual convention.

    2. Board members will receive a stipend of $500 for attendance at both meetings, $250 for one meeting, reviewable at the discretion of the Board.

    3. All Board members pays dues; all board members except Graduate Student Delegates pay applicable convention registration fees.


    A. Meetings of the executive board and the annual business meeting shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.


    A. The Association publishes a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal called the Rocky Mountain Review, with the online version called the Rocky Mountain E-Review.

    B. Copyright for the journal and each article or piece within it, are owned by the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA). These rights can be released under conditions specified in the publication agreement between RMMLA and the contributing author.

    C. Access privileges to the electronic journal shall be included in all voting membership categories. For a supplemental fee, members may also have a print version of the journal mailed to them.

    D. Only a member in good standing may have a paper published in the Rocky Mountain Review/E-Review and/or may request a book for review. Membership must be current at the time of acceptance of a piece for the journal.

    E. Specific details of publication and general editorial policy shall be determined by mutual agreement of the Executive Board, the Editor(s) and editorial staff, and the Executive Director. General editorial guidelines shall be published prominently in each issue of the journal and on the Association's web site.


    A. The Executive Board may propose amendments, resolutions, and changes to operating procedures to be adopted by a majority vote of the Executive Board, either at one of its annual meetings or by mail / electronic ballot. 
    B. The Executive Board shall receive amendments, resolutions, or proposals for changes to operating procedures submitted by members of the Association. All such items must bear the signatures of at least twenty-five members in good standing and be received by the Association Secretariat at least sixty days in advance of the annual business meeting. 
    C. The Executive Board shall determine if an amendment, resolution, or proposal for a change to operating procedures so submitted shall be presented for adoption at the annual business meeting. 
    D. No amendment, resolution, or change to operating procedures may be proposed and no amendments to such items or substitute items may be moved on the floor of the annual business meeting.