Review Process
for The Rocky Mountain Review of Literature and E-Review
Managing Editor: Joy Landeira, University of Wyoming. [email protected]
Assistant to the Editor: Richard Proctor, University of Northern Colorado. [email protected]
Editor: José Suárez, University of Northern Colorado. [email protected]
- The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature and the electronic version E-Review are double-blind, externally-refereed generalist journals with a high selectivity rate (approx. 20%).
- Upon receipt by the Managing Editor and Assistant to the Editor, each manuscript undergoes an initial evaluation focusing on the suitability of the topic for The Rocky Mountain Review and E-Review, the appropriateness of the style for an academic audience, the presence of reference to other scholarly works, and the use of MLA style.
- Blinded Manuscripts are sent by Rocky Mountain Review office to the Editorial Board member in charge of the general area, who evaluates the appropriateness of the article, and chooses external, anonymous readers who have expertise in fields suitable to the subject.
- The external peer reviewers consider the author's grasp of the theoretical framework and relevant previous scholarship, the originality and strength of the main thesis, and the effectiveness of the supporting evidence.
- The external peer reviewers are asked to complete their review of manuscripts within eight weeks, and determine whether the article is publishable as is, recommend revision and resubmission, or reject the article. The Managing Editor and/or Assistant to the Editor will inform the author of the decision of the reviewers.
- Manuscripts that require revisions are returned to the author to re-write and re-submit within six months of receipt from the Editor. At the Managing Editor's discretion, the period may be extended to a maximum of twelve months. If the revised manuscript is received after a period of twelve months, the article will be considered a new submission and the review process will start over.
- Manuscripts which are deemed acceptable by the Peer Reviewers and Editorial Board members are forwarded to the Editor.
- After considering the recommendations of the external reviewers and the editorial board members, and after reading the corrected manuscript, the Editor will make the final determination as to whether the article is acceptable and may require further edits or submission to a third discipline-specific external reader. The Editor will contact the author directly to request any final edits prior to the publication of the manuscript.
- Once the Editor has approved the manuscript, the contract will be sent to the author.
The final determination of whether an article is acceptable for publication is made by the Editor. This decision is final.
