Rocky Mountain Review

74-1 Spring 2020


Guidelines for Submission for Articles and Book Reviews


Articles are in alphabetical order according to the name of the author. 

Raluca Comanelea, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 

Shifting Shapes in Play and Performance: Blanche DuBois, from Witchy Female to Marginalized Other

Comanelea's Article 

This study explores Blanche’s social position in the dominant culture as the ultimate embodiment of the witchy female who reinforces the hidden powers of the marginalized Other to challenge the status quo. Blanche’s ambiguous figure celebrates shape-shifting through reflections of witchy images: the mother, the prostitute, the femme fatale, the grotesque female, the Sphinx, and the strange attractor. Actors reenacting Blanche’s theatrical persona on stage have always experimented with an intense female character. Williams’s primary unpublished manuscripts reflect the playwright’s struggle in painting a clear picture of this female’s shape-shifting character 


Cynthia Meléndrez, California State University, San Marcos

El cuerpo femenino, un paisaje de violencia en Gulf Dreams

Meléndrez's Article

Situada en un marco contemporáneo rural del estado de Texas en los Estados Unidos, la novela de Emma Pérez, Gulf Dreams (1996), aborda la confrontación social, histórica y sexual de la mujer chicana. Cuenta la historia de racismo y homofobia que atañe a la comunidad LGTBII mexicoamericana. La novela plasma de manera visible la representación de la sexualidad y el erotismo de la mujer chicana por medio de la ruptura de la memoria colectiva tradicionalista. El cuerpo femenino es el lienzo y la voz individual que Emma Pérez utiliza para escribir desde el deseo deja ver las vejaciones que acaece la chicana, y en este caso, la chicana homosexual. La autora, a través de un suceso violento, expone la existencia del silencio impuesto a la mujer chicana; el cual intenta fragmentar para poder edificar una subjetividad queer que la libere.


Sterling Keynote

Full Text of Sterling Keynote Address delivered on October 12, 2017 at Spokane, Washington 

Susan McKay, Weber State University

The Marvel of Language: Knowns, Unknowns, and Maybes

 McKay's Sterling Keynote


Access all reviews here.

Reviews are in alphabetical order according to the name of the author reviewed. 

No venimos del latín, byCarme Jiménez Huertas.

Reviewer: John M. Ryan


Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Dialektliteratur seit der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts: Ein literaturhistorischer Überblick mit Textbeispielen in 6 Büchern,by Peter Pabisch.

Reviewer: Albrecht Classen


Becoming Willa Cather: Creation and Career, by Daryl W. Palmer.

Reviewer: Brianna Taylor


The Book of Dust. Volume two: The Secret Commonwealth, byPhilip Pullman.

Reviewer: Peter Fields


Body Turn to Rain. New and Selected Poems, by Richard Robbins.

Reviewer: Jeffery Moser


En las alas del alba: historias de esperanza y redención, by Alfonso Rodríguez.

Reviewer: Horacio Peña


Hemingway’s Short Stories: Reflections on Teaching, Reading, and Understanding, by Frederic J. Svoboda, ed.

Reviewer: Joy Landeira


Reading Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea: Glossary and Commentary, by Bickford Sylvester, Larry Grimes and Peter L. Hays, eds.

Reviewer: Ricardo Landeira


The Corpse as Text: Disinterment and Antiquarian Enquiry, 1700-1900,by Thea Tomaini.

Reviewer: Jeffery Moser


Bilingualism in the Community. Code-Switching and Grammars in Contact, by Rena Torres Cacuollos and Catherine E. Travis.

Reviewer: Irene Checa-García


Conversations with W.S. Merwin, by Michael Wutz and Hal Crimmel, eds.

Reviewer: Jason Olsen